Shell Clipboard Manager
2019-07-27 20:02:45 +0000 UTCI found myself wanting a way to manage my desktop clipboard similar to the way VIM works with named registers. To be able to store something in a certain clipboard I could then recall when needed.
I settled on using a basic system written in bash that would allow me to name the clips anything I liked.
The script
Here is the bash script in all its glory.
set -euo pipefail
dlip_init() {
if [[ ! -d $dir ]]; then
mkdir -p $dir
dlip_save() {
echo -n "Save to: "
read -r line
local file="${dir}/${line}"
echo "Saving to $file"
xsel -o --clipboard > $file
dlip_get() {
sel=$(find $dir/. -type f -printf "%f\n" | fzf)
if [[ -z $sel ]]; then
exit 0
xsel -i --clipboard < "${dir}/${sel}"
open_win() {
local win=$(xdotool getactivewindow)
xdotool search --onlyvisible --classname urxvt-win windowkill || true
bspc monitor -f primary
urxvt -name urxvt-win \
-bg '#fdf6e3' \
-fg '#657b83' \
-geometry 100x16 \
-e $SHELL \
-c "$1"
[[ -n $win ]] && xdotool windowactivate $win
dlip_get_menu() {
open_win "dlip get"
dlip_save_menu() {
open_win "dlip save"
[ $# -gt 0 ] || exit 1
case "$command" in
dlip_save; exit 0 ;;
dlip_save_menu; exit 0 ;;
dlip_get; exit 0 ;;
dlip_get_menu; exit 0 ;;
echo "`basename "$0"` $command: unknown command." >&2
exit 1
How it works
The shell script is added to my PATH and called dlip. It stores the clips in files with a specified name in the folder ~/.local/share/dlip.
Setting a value
To set whatever is in the current clipboard to a named clipboard:
dlip save
# Then enter the name of the file I want to save as
Getting a value
To retrieve a saved value, writing it into the contents of the clipboard:
dlip get
# This then uses fzf to let me select from the list
Integrating with the desktop
This is all well and good but can be a bit clunky especially when dealing with the clipboard outside of a terminal. In order to address this I made some convience shortcuts that work with bspwm window manager and sxhkd hotkey daemon that I run. The idea should be easily transferrable to other WM’s though.
The bindings in sxhkd config look like this:
# get a named clipboard
super + v
dlip get_menu
# save to a named clipboard
super + x
dlip save_menu
Here is an example of if in action: